- Mail a Donation: Make Check payable to, No One Hungry and mail to, P.O. Box 981, Titusville, FL 32781
No One Hungry, in partnership with the Anglican Diocese of Belize, is helping the people of Belize fight hunger and build a better future. During the last quarter of 2020, project Feed Belize helped over 668 families every month supplying rice, beans, and other necessary food to meet their daily needs for survival.
We are continuing this mission today by supporting 14 school lunch programs, getting food to families in need, and supporting the soup kitchen at St. John’s Cathedral Church in Belize City. Our outreach has also expanded to school and community gardens through the God’s Garden initiative.
NOH is providing the Heart’s Alive Bible study curriculum to all 22 Anglican schools in Belize.Assisting in the building of additional school classrooms and a library to meet to fight the hunger for education and a better future for children and families.
Would you like to help us build a better future forBelize? You can help too!
"for I was hungry and you gave me food"
An Agency Partnered with...
No One Hungry, Inc. is a 501c3 non-profit.
Copyright 2021 No One Hungry, Inc.
Website & Hosting by Red Leaf Websites